fjern søgeboks

Say hello to a Danish free school

Say hello...

Since free schools can choose to base their school on an ideology of religious, political or pedagogical nature, there is a big diversity of free schools and of how the education is performed. Below you can watch a movie about the Danish free school, den fri Hestehaveskole, or read extracts from articles reporting on various free schools.

Den fri Hestehaveskole

Video by Anna-Sofie Uth Juncker, student

Den fri Hestehaveskole is an alternative school that embraces the community and pays special attention to the fact that the pupils know how to act in a society. Watch the teachers, pupils and the board of the school explain what kind of school den fri Hestehaveskole is, and what influence the way of teaching has on the pupils.

Free schools without grades

Extract from article in Friskole Bladet, translated by Mette Marie Mouritsen

The Rudolf Steiner School in Odense is a 12-years comprehensive school without examinations and grades. Instead of grades, the pupils get school reports every or every other year telling them their level of academic- and social abilities, as well as of development. Read more...

The school with the big heart

Extract from article in Friskole Bladet, translated by Mette Marie Mouritsen

Kertemindeegnens friskole is a school in which 'love' as a concept is seen in the everyday life. It is built on the idea of free schools that emerged in the time of Grundtvig and Kold. The concepts of community, freedom and love are in focus... Read more...

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