‘Gudenådalens Friskole’ is working at developing a pedagogy in which many of the lessons of instruction result in something that can be presented for other people. This could either be in a form of a recitation, a PowerPoint-presentation, a movie, a website, an exhibit or performance. Central to this form of teaching is the aspect of communication, and form and content are equally important.
Learning through production
In the product-oriented courses basic IT instruments are used. These were for instance used in a paper competition in which the group of 7th until 9th class participated in as a part of a course. They chose to create an electronic paper, and ended up winning the competition.
Moreover - in another course - this group of students participated with 5 animation movies at the yearly ‘Animok filmfestival’. One of these won the first price.
The assignment was to create a trailer for a game invented by the students.
Animation movies
Animation is a cinematic technique in which motions are reproduced by use of ‘stop motion’. Stop motion appears when you photograph an object, move the object, and photograph the object once again. You continue on doing so until you have a continuous sequence. Said differently, you create an illusion of movement with a series of frames.
The objects moving can be anything: paper craft, plasticine, dolls, people. At the contest, all techniques were used.
The group of students initiated the course by watching different trailers for games. Thereafter they made themselves familiar with the program Monkey Jam that was the instrument they used for making the movies. At last, they were taught in different styles of movies by use of examples from for instance Westerns.
Brainstorming and gaming lead to storyboard
A day was used to play the computer game Limbo whereupon the students brainstormed ideas for new computer games, which they – in groups – should prepare a description of.
A game trailer must tempt the spectator to play the game. Therefore it must appeal to emotions: excitement, horror or fascinate simply by looking fun.
Thereafter the students prepared a synopsis and storyboard – and not before after that, the groups started with the technical process; choice of style of animation, making of figures, tests, recordings and sound.
Animation is an annual event
The result was a movie representing all forms of genre of animation: classic 2D animation, 3D-animation with clay-models and stop motion with living people.
The movie ‘The Escape’ won the first price at the animation festival in Viborg. Last year the free school received that year’s talent prize with the animation movie ‘Den Gyldne Pille’.
Working with animation is an annual event at ‘Gudenådalens friskole’.
Real life competences
Bjarke Annesen and Jacob Noer pointed out that the newspaper- and animation course were examples of methods of teaching imitating processes of real life work. They were also ‘real’ in the sense that extern partners were involved, since they were the ones judging the students. Both of the productions were a part of a contest.
What characterize the processes of work are cooperation and division of labour. Bjarke Annesen told that in advance the students in the groups were assigned to different roles: “every group must have a person who keeps an eye on whether the tasks are solved within the time set aside. They must have a chair, a project coordinator – who makes sure that every possible angle on the subject is covered – and a secretary who writes down all of the decisions and conclusions. A permanent division of work tasks makes the work much easier”.
In a course such as the newspaper course, the division of roles is even more extensive: “It is important who the editor in chief is, journalists, photographers etc. Basically, every student had to apply for a job, and thereafter we chose the roles for the students with consideration for the students’ wishes.”
Jacob Noer highlighted that the animation and newspaper course added “something we are lacking in school, and in real life […] Mostly, focus has been on knowledge, but that is not enough if you want to make use of it. Real-life competences are achieved through a newspaper course. You attend a contest and if you win, you are interviewed…”